Seeley Lake Wedding on Film

Seeley Lake Wedding on Film

I was originally hired to do Super 8 videography (look for that post soon!), but the bride also requested that I bring my film camera. And I cannot tell you how incredibly exciting and fulfilling it was capturing their day on 35mm film! I can’t wait to do more weddings solely on film; there’s nothing like it. And it suited the vibe of the 70s camp wedding so perfectly.

Butte, Montana Summer Wedding

Butte, Montana Summer Wedding

This Butte, Montana summer wedding was one I stepped in to shoot. And reader, I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did! The bride and groom were the absolute sweetest, most laid-back people. Their families and friends were so welcoming and funny. Weddings like these with people like these are the reason I love capturing weddings like I do!